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Dave Saini

Jeevan has been helpful beyond words. He has explain things throughly each step of the way, made it really easy and comfortable with the process. I would recommend all my friends and family to Jeevan because of his honesty and hard work he put in for all his client. Thank you Jeevan!

DLC Cleartrust

Brokerage License: 504246

Mortgage Agent License: 024498

Examples of Downpayment options are: Cash in bank, Gifted Down Payment from a relative, RRSPs or available equity from another property.
Examples of Downpayment options are: Cash in bank, Gifted Down Payment from a relative, RRSPs or available equity from another property.

Dave Saini

Jeevan has been helpful beyond words. He has explain things throughly each step of the way, made it really easy and comfortable with the process. I would recommend all my friends and family to Jeevan because of his honesty and hard work he put in for all his client. Thank you Jeevan!




***brokerage_license_1***Brokerage License: 504246

***brokerage_license_2***Mortgage Agent License: 024498

***brokerage_name***DLC Cleartrust